Each piece is encased in a 16.2cm x 13.3cm acrylic case sealing the piece in permanently, preserving the delicate nature of the materials.
Each piece comes with a certificate of authenticity of the piece.
All butterflies and insects used have been sourced ethically, they have either been raised by the artist and have died of natural, have been sourced from conservation projects or have been taken from vintage collections dating back from the victorian era.
Types of butterflies used:
Owl Butterfly-Caligo,
Noble Leafwing,
Autumn Leaf-Doleschallia Bisaltide,
Banded Orange- Dryadula Phaetusa,
Apricot sulphur- Phoebis Argante,
Citrus Swallowtail- Papilio demodocus,
Cymothoe Sangaris,
Cymothoe Hypata,
Red leopard lacewing- Cethosia cyane
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